The S3 consortium members
University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing

Dr Ergun Gungor is a researcher in the Centre for Industrial Sustainability at the University of Cambridge. His research primarily focuses on understanding and improving resource efficiency in manufacturing companies, with a particular interest on employee engagement and empowerment. He works with several manufacturers to support their net zero and industrial sustainability ambitions. In the S3 project, Dr Gungor is developing a state-of-the-art gamification framework to increase employee motivation, deliver behavioural change, raise sustainability awareness, drive CO2e emissions and most importantly recognise everyone’s efforts in doing so. He truly believes that the S3 project will be an exemplary case for many businesses in its way of bringing tools of digitalisation, sustainability together with the unequivocal power of employee engagement and empowerment.
Project lead
Ergün Güngör

University of Lincoln
Dr Wayne Martindale leads an innovative research group developing geo-spatial, digital twin and modelling applications that enable us to meet carbon zero targets. He mentors highly motivated research leaders, advise business start-ups and work with international sustainable nutrition programmes. S3 brings all of this together and delivers it in a world first demonstrator, cutting edge innovation built over many years of working with the S3 project consortium partners.
Project lead
Dr Wayne Martindale, Principal Investigator,
National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln

Software Imaging
Software Imaging is one of the world’s leading providers in the bespoke application development marketplace. Founded in the UK in 1990 we have offices in both the UK and Japan, the company has grown to include highly skilled consulting teams. For over 30 years Software Imaging has been at the forefront of innovation and received 4 queens award for services to IT, Bringing to the S3 project a wealth of IT experience that allows us to explore with confidence solutions to challenges in the most complex of areas.
Martin Bonner has great commercial knowledge of IT development which allows him to communicate and address complex IT challenges with individuals within business and technical experts needing to understand why the business needs certain outcomes. Martin also leads communications with any business needing to understand what S3 technical deployment software imaging is working on or toward to benefit the food manufacturing sector.
Dr Chris Bearchell - CEO - Chris has 30 years’ experience providing software solutions in a large range of technical domains, from computational chemistry, to digital printing, mobile app development, IoT, web services and machine learning. Combined with his commercial experience, this allows him to quickly grasp problems and provide robust solutions that meet the business needs of the client. Chris will lead the technical development to provide a UWB platform for the S3 project that will deliver critical use cases.

Raynor Foods
Raynor Foods are an established food manufacturing business in Chelmsford, UK. Their plant employs over 200 people, producing over 30 million food-to-go items a year, mainly sandwiches and wraps.
They have an unrivalled reputation in the UK food-to-go industry for technical excellence, innovation and safety and have led several groundbreaking collaborative projects, most recently the Digital Sandwich blockchain/AI consortium.
Project lead(s)
Tom Æ Hollands
Innovation and Technical Director, Raynor Foods

Thierry Batariere Senior Innovation Project Manager with over 10 years’ experience in FMCG innovation delivery. With his sense of creativity and people management skills leading Raynor Foods S3 program with one Ultimate goal to be a true benchmark for the carbon emission reduction within food Manufacturing.
Senior Innovation Project Manager
Thierry Batariere
Raynor Foods